domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Brasil, líder en el grupo B de basquet

Brasil sumó la cuarta victoria consecutiva y se adjudicó el grupo B en el Torneo de las Américas de basquet. Esta vez venció a Panamá por 84 a 64.
En la próxima fase el conjunto brasilero jugará ante México el día martes.

Por sua vez, a Argentina lhe ganhou a República Dominicana 89 x 87. Aliás, o excelente jogador Luis Scola fez 30 pontos.
Dessa maneira os argentinos também passaram de fase e começarão a jogar na terça feira com os rivais do grupo A.

1 comentario:

  1. What a display by the Tall Albiceleste! Truly by far their best ever performance in the competition. They responded positively when they were down and had to play under tremendous pressure. Scola was always the key figure, Prigioni played well but Cantero and Quinteros provided the extra spark that the team needed the most.

    Team DR were not bad too especially from their NBA stars. I do feel they can earned the automatic spot next years World Championship in Turkey.

    Now comes the next challenge which against team from the other group in the quarter-finals stage. I feel as long they can maintened this level of performance and build on their confidence, they can beat the likes of Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico & Uruguay. They cannot afford to take their foot of the gas, not in times like this.

    Let me know, what do you think of their chances for the next stage after such incredible performance against team DR.


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